Diagnosis of Mast Cell Diseases

Diagnosis of Mast Cell Diseases

The educational course titled “Mast Cell Disorders and Mastocytosis: Recognition and Management” is structured into two modules, as outlined below:

Module 1: Diagnosis of Mast Cell Diseases
Diagnosis of Mast Cell Diseases – Live Q&A Session
Module 2: Management of Mastocytosis Patients
Management of Mastocytosis Patients – Live Q&A Session

This educational tool comprises two modules of brief lectures on the diagnosis and management of Clonal Mast Cell Disorders.

Module 1: Diagnosis of Mast Cell Diseases
The first module focuses on the diagnosis of Mast cell Disorders, with an emphasis on Clonal Mast Cell Disorders: Indolent Systemic Mastocytosis. This module aims to underline the significance of accurate diagnosis in Mast Cell Disorders, particularly in distinguishing between clonal and non-clonal diseases. Furthermore, it explains the novel entity Hereditary Alfa Tryptasemia Ipertryptasemia, a new genetic trait crucial to be known given its frequent occurrence in the general populace and its implications for differential diagnosis.


These EAACI Knowledge Hub educational modules are supported by unrestricted financial support from Blueprint Medicines and Cogent Biosciences.

When to suspect Clonal Mast cell disorder?

Increased basal tryptase is always Mastocytosis?

Cutaneous Involvement in Mastocytosis