Allergy School 2024 – Insect Venom Hypersensitivity and Mastocytosis

Allergy School 2024 – Insect Venom Hypersensitivity and Mastocytosis

Welcome and Introduction

A. Vega Castro (Guadalajara, Spain)

Session I: Exploring the link between Hymenoptera venom allergy and mast cell diseases

Chairs: A. Vega Castro (Guadalajara, Spain) and M. Ollert (Esch-sur-Alzette, Luxembourg)


1. Update in mast cell diseases – new drugs, I. Alvarez Twose (Toledo, Spain)

2. Management of mastocytosis and HVA, P. Bonadonna (Verona, Italy)

3. Hereditary alpha-tryptasemia (HAT) and Hymenoptera, D. González-Olano (Madrid, Spain)


Session II: Exploring Hymenoptera venom allergy and immunotherapy: a comprehensive introduction

Chairs: E. Boni (Bologna, Italy) and H. Oude Elberink (Haren, Netherlands)


A gold standard tool in diagnosis and treatment?, G. Sturm (Graz, Austria)



Oral presentation session 1

Chairs: M. Martini (Ancona, Italy) and T. Alfaya Arias (Madrid, Spain)

1. Hymenoptera Venom Allergy in patients with Systemic Mastocytosis: the importance of specific IgE associated with skin tests, F. Noreli (Verona, Italy)

2. Prospective Comparison of the Efficacy of 3 month extended Venom Immunotherapy (VIT) Administration in Patients with Mastocytosis Versus Conventional Treatment, G. Sfriso (Verona, Italy)

3. Selection of the best commercial immunotherapy through CAP Inhibition in patients with anaphylaxis due to Vespa velutina, S. Carreras-Kàtcheff (Barcelona, Spain)

Session III – Advancing Hymenoptera venom alergy diagnosis: concepts, identification, and immunotherapy prescription

Chairs: K. Spriggs (Parkvile, Australia) and C. Breynaert (Leuven, Belgium)


1. Insect identification and behavior, F.J. Ortiz Sánchez (La Cañada (Almería), Spain)

2. Diagnostic algorithm, M. Martini (Ancona, Italy)

3. Key points to prescribe venom immunotherapy, E. Boni (Bologna, Italy)


Workshop Session 1. Topic 1: Venom products: adapting diagnosis and treatment

Workshop Session:

Venom products: adapting diagnosis and treatment, B.M. Bilò (Ancona, Italy) and E. Boni (Bologna, Italy)


Workshop Session 1. Topic 3: Sting challenge test

Workshop Session:
Sting challenge test, T. Alfaya Arias (Madrid, Spain) and B. Ruíz-León (Córdoba, Spain)

Workshop session 2. Topic 4: Handling VIT adverse reactions and Topic 5: Risk factors in HVA

Workshop Session:

1. Handling VIT adverse reactions, L. Marques (Lleida, Spain)

2. Risk factors in HVA, C. Breynaert (Leuven, Belgium)

Session IV: Insights in Hymenoptera venom alergy diagnosis and treatment

Chairs: D. González-Olano (Madrid, Spain) and B.M. Bilò (Ancona, Italy)


HVA and patient profile: diagnostic accuracy, A. Vega Castro (Guadalajara, Spain)


Session V: Insects in a Changing World

Chairs: T. Jakob (Giessen, Germany) and F.J. Ortiz Sánchez La Cañada (Almería), Spain

1. Rare and emerging insect allergy, K. Spriggs (Parkvile, Australia)

2. Environmental factors (climate change, pollution…) and One Health Approach, A. Vega Castro (Guadalajara, Spain)

3. Bumblebee venom allergy as a model of occupational disease, C. Breynaert (Leuven, Belgium)


Oral Presentation Session 2

Chairs: K. Spriggs (Parkvile, Australia), L. Marques (Lleida, Spain)
Study of the immune system changes during bee venom immunotherapy, N. Blanco Toledano (Córdoba, Spain)

Evaluation of the negative predictive value of the Sting Challenge Test, T. Alfaya Arias (Alcorcón, Spain)

Vespa crabro venom: accuracy of common diagnostic tests, A. Carbone (Bologna, Italy)

Session VI: Exploring the future of insect venom hypersensitivity

Chairs : P. Korosec (Golnik, Slovenia) and G. Sturm (Graz, Austria)


1. Mastocytosis: How to avoid the long road to diagnosis?, T. Rama (Porto, Portugal)

2. Can we maintain the old epidemiological statements?, M. Martini (Ancona, Italy)

3. Does sensitization equal HVA in mastocytosis patients?, H. Oude Elberink (Haren, Netherlands)

4. A sight on VIT protocols, T. Alfaya Arias (Madrid, Spain)


Conclusions and closing