European network for the PHenotyping of OCcupational ASthma – E-PHOCAS-Phase II 2024
European network for the PHenotyping of OCcupational ASthma – E-PHOCAS-Phase II 2024
The European network for the PHenotyping of OCcupational Asthma (E-PHOCAS) Task Force is an international, multicenter, observational, retrospective study aiming to phenotype sensitizer-induced occupational asthma (OA) in Europe. Preliminary data suggest that OA is, more than expected, a multifaceted disease in terms of clinical, functional, inflammatory response and prognosis. The current Task Force is the second phase of this project. The aim is to conduct an unsupervised cluster analysis of the characteristics of a large population of well-defined subjects with OA in order to explore the heterogeneity of OA using a machine learning approach. A secondary objective is to use this method to perform predictive analysis based on pre-SIC data and to develop a diagnostic tool for sensitizer-induced OA enhancing precision medicine.<br><br>
IG: Environmental & Occupational Allergy
Chair: Migueres Nicolas
Secretary: Doyen Virginie