Systematic review on the dietary interventions in children after acute respiratory or skin infections
Systematic review on the dietary interventions in children after acute respiratory or skin infections
One of the main functions of the immune system, both innate and adaptive, is to recognize potential threats, such as viruses, and activate proper mechanisms to properly defense the organism against infections. The immune’s system function is modifiable, and several epigenetic and metabolic factors can modulate its effectiveness. Among others, a balanced nutrition can benefit for effective defense against viral infections. Adequate and appropriate nutrition is required for the cells in the immune system to function properly. Specific macro- and micronutrients have been linked with the severity outcomes in the clinical picture of the infected child, such as protein status, zinc, vitamin A and vitamin D. Also, probiotics and nutraceuticals might have an immunomodulatory role.The energy demands increase in an infected organism, as the activated immune system increases energy requirements, for example during fever. On the other hand, children with acute infections tend to develop inappetence and undernutrition can increase the morbidity of the infection. Thus, an optimal nutrition during acute infections might support the immune cells functions to effectively respond against threats, but in parallel to resolve the response immediately when it is no longer necessary and avoid persisting inflammation.Despite the already attributed knowledge from relevant research, specific dietary guidance for children with an acute infection is not established. Moreover, obtained knowledge focuses on specific nutrients, but is not translated in nutritional advice with proper foods combination and diet plans.The aim of the current Task Force- under the eye of the COVID-19 pandemic- will be to systematically collect information from studies on dietary intervention in children after acute respiratory or skin infections, create recommendations and dietary guidelines to aid the immune system during an acute infection and, finally, stimulate future research on this topic.
WG Immunodulation & Nutrition (Basic & Clinical Immunology Section)
Chair: Emilia Vassilopolou
Secretary: Gregorio Paolo Milani