Therapeutic education for patients with asthma
Therapeutic education for patients with asthma
Self-management education is currently considered essential to the successful treatment of asthma patients. Numerous publications have shown that therapeutic education programs improve adherence to treatment and reduce the frequency of complications (eg asthma attacks) while enhancing quality of life. In recent years, caregivers have taken more and more initiatives, and many teams are now able to offer self-management education. However, not all education programs are created equal. Indeed, while the objectives are the same, there are marked differences in format (format of session, number and duration of sessions, size of the groups) and teaching methods. Unfortunately, most publications on this subject do not provide sufficient information on the approaches and teaching methods used. Issues such as the training received by instructors, total course duration, program structure, aids and instruments used and objectives are rarely described. In this task force, we will develop a consensus document on the therapeutic education for patients with asthma. This collaboration will harmonize methodologies from different countries, highlighting new teaching methods and education programme on both, adults and children with asthma. This initiative will be developed between EAACI asthma and allied health sections.
Asthma Section
Chair: Alina Gherasim
Secretary: Inger Kull